We live in the Palatinate village Meckenheim, also called "gate to the Middle Haardt". Since 2009, our blonde Hovawart bitch Finja belongs to this pack, in 2015 our Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever bitch Haloke-Mila was added. From the very beginning, we focused on the right attitude and support as well as with the demand for challenge of the dogs. So both dogs have passed the “Begleithundeprüfung” and were or are used by our daughter Sarah actively in the tournament dog sport.
An existing hunting license allows the dogs expeditions in the Forest, although they are not used actively in hunting but only do "nose work".
From the beginning, our dogs have been in the center of family life. The friendly and active nature of the Duck-Toller fascinated us so much that finally the idea has matured to use Haloke-Mila for breeding.
In the spring of 2017 I attended a hobby breeding seminar on two weekends, after which we applied for the certification at the EKU association and our kennel Anpaytoo.
Commercial interests are nor our primary goal, but the preservation of this breed in a pure and healthy form.
The education and training of Mila is essentially in Sarah's responsibility.
Right at the beginning the two started with the puppy lessons, followed by the young dogs education and then afterwards they were in the adult education group of the dog sports club, where Sarah already trained earlier with Finja.
Mila always strived for “best in class”. At age of 17 months she performed successfully the “Begleithundeprüfung” at the VDH. After the HD/ED examinations were completed, Sarah had green light to begin training in the tournament sport (THS) with Mila. Very soon the first successfull tournaments followed.
Our little goblin has now developed into a very reliable partner. Even at tournaments, she still remains calm and focused at the start.
Mila has special fun while practicing tricks, retrieving and subordination in the four-discipline competition. Here Mila is taking benefit of her "will to please".
When there is some time left, Sarah and Mila go to Rally Obedience, too.